Wednesday, May 29, 2013

blog assignment #1

shcool buildingIf i built a school !

I think Krissy Venosdale had some great ideas in her blog If I Built a School. One of the things I liked in Krissy's blog was how she described the physical features of her school, for example, the colorful walls, and comfy seating. It is easier for students to learn if it does not feel like they are stuck in a prison all day. I also liked the idea of comfy seating, becasue if the students are not comfortable the only thing they will be forcused on is when they can get up and move. Another thing I liked about her blog was her idea of "grade levels" which Krissy said they would be like "rooms that kids advance through, not based on age, but based on readines and ability". I think this is a great idea because students learn at different speeds.

What I want my students to know !

I want my students to know learning is not just remembering answers, learning is also asking questions. I would also want my students to know that learning does not just take place in the classroom, but also through communication, relationships, and experiences. The most important thing I want my students to know is that no matter what their grade is, they all have something to offer that the world can benefit from.

What I want my students to be able to do !

I want my students to be able to not only ask questions, but also be able to find the answer and think for themselves. I also want my students not just to dream, but to act on those dreams. I think it is important that students question accepted knowledge, come up with their own conclusions, and think outside the box.

Methods of teaching I would use !

One thing I would do in my class is have my students write down at least 5 questions they do not know the answer to, and are intrested to find out. Then the last hour of class I would give them time to look up the answers on either a desktop, laptop, or ipad. After they are finished finding the answers, or at least better understanding the subject I would have them share their questions and answers with the rest of the class.

Tools I would use

In my class I would use the classic classroom tools, such as chalkboard, desk, books, and notebooks. However I would also have as many computers and ipads for my students as possible. I would use my excitment and enthusiasum about learning to get my students excited about learning as well.

The roll students will play

Students would play the leading roll in my classroom, and I would act as their guide. The students would be able let their creativity, and imagination loose, and i would encourage and support them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

my test post title

this is my first post. i clicked the HTML button which i should always do in EDM310. i am now a blogger!