Sunday, July 7, 2013

Project # 14

The Face of History

Duration: 4-6 hours

Subject: Social Studies


Students will learn about local history, using technology and creativity. Students are to use the internet to research local historical sites. The students should focus on the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil War. After the students finish researching they will visit the historical sites and take pictures of the sites they visit. Students will visit and take pictures of at least four historical sites, and then students will put the pictures into a PowerPoint presentation made in Google docs. After the students PowerPoint presentations are finished they will present the presentation to the class, then they will upload their presentation to their blog.
Driving Question:

What are the historical significances of the locations around the students?

Content Standards:

SS(10) United States History to 1877

• 10. Describe how the course, character, and effects of the Civil War influenced the United States

SS(11) United States History from 1877 to the present

• 2. Describe social and political origins, accomplishments, and limitations of progressivism. • 12. Trace events of the Modern Civil Rights Movement from past-World War II to 1970 that resulted in social and economic changes, including the Montgomery bus boycott, the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School, the march on Washington, and the Freedom Rides.

Local/National standards:

NSS-USH 5-12.5

• Understand the causes of the Civil War • Understand the course and characters of the Civil War and its effects on the American people

NSS-USH 5-12.9

• Understand the struggle for racial and gender equality and the extension of Civil liberties

21st century competencies to be taught and assessed

• Communication (Oral Presentation) • Critical thinking • Creativity and innovation
Entry Event:

Teachers will talk about local history and also show video of mobile’s history.

Formative Assessments:

• Journal/ learning log • Blog post • Rough Drafts • Notes • Check list

Summative Assessments:

• Written products with rubric • Oral presentation with rubric • Peer evaluation

Resources Needed

• Digital camera or any device that can take pictures. For example smart phones or tablets • Computers • Individual and class blog page

Reflection Methods

• Blog post • Whole class discussion • Group discussion


• Some students might need help with research or PowerPoint. If students have problems with research then peer tutoring is an option. Students who finish early can help students who need help. Teachers should also have after school tutorial available for those students who need it.

• Many students might choose the same historical sites. Teachers should encourage students to find sites that most of their classmates might over look.

Part one

Teacher will introduce videos and lecture on local areas. Teachers will have a class discussion and point out key dates, facts, and people. The teacher will then give the project instructions and go over them with the class.

Part two

Teacher will give students five days to gather photos and visit locations. The pictures and locations are to be taken and visited outside of class.

Part Three

Students will have two days in the computer lab to create PowerPoint in Google docs. Students will then upload to their blog page.

Part four

Students will present PowerPoint to the class. Each students Presentation should take no longer than 3 minutes.


  1. "...they will visit the historical sites..." Virtually, I presume. You should make this clear so it is not thought to include field trips.

    " video of mobile’s history" Maybe you do mean field trips, at least if Mobile is capitalized. Is that what you intend?

    "Some students might need help with research or PowerPoint." I have assigned you a conversation with Anthony that will address this concern. Never fear. You will NOT have to teach students how to use Google Docs Presentation (which I prefer since it is online, free, can never be lost and for other reasons).

    Good start. You will find that all plans will have to be adapted. You will get much better at this with practice in a real classroom.

    Was this done collaboratively? It does not indicate that it was even though that was the assignment.

  2. Jamie,

    Are these the Common Core standards? I believe these are the old state standards. This does sound like a fun way for students to document their field trip. This is a very detailed lesson plan which is good.

  3. Elizabeth questioned my comment asking whether this project was collaborative. She was correct in doing so. Ignore the last sentence of my comment above. It is not appropriate.
