Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blog Assignment # 6

What Do We Need To Know About Asking Questions To Be An Effective Teacher ?

Before this blog assignment, I never knew that the types question a teacher asked matter. I always thought that as long as a teacher asked questions then students would be engaged. I now realize that not all questions are created equal. I found many useful tips for asking questions in "Asking Questions To Improve Learning". One helpful tip I learned was to wait for responses. Waiting 5-10 seconds after asking a question can help give students more time to think about the question and volunteer to answer. I think this is a great tip, because when I was in school the teacher would ask a question and call on the first student to put their hand up. Another great tip is to not interrupt the students answer. Although I am not a teacher but a coach, I am still guilty of interrupting my players before they can fully answer.

Asking Questions To Improve Learning Video
In this video I learned to avoid closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions allows students to answer in one word, without giving the question much thought. The video says that it is better to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions call for more critical thinking and for students to give more information. This video does a great job showing how asking questions does not help if the teacher is not asking the right type of questions.girl raising her hand in desk


  1. Jamie,

    I believe the primary purpose of questioning is to get students thinking. Open-ended questions do encourage that deeper thinking. It is also never a bad thing to let students be the ones to do the questioning!

  2. I agree that teachers should ask their class a question and give them five to ten seconds to respond. They may need a few seconds to process the question and come up with the answer in their head. However, I have witnessed many teachers asking their students questions, waiting ten seconds and their students just sit in silence. What would you suggest the teacher to do if nobody answers? I think the teacher should try and reword the question or ask a similar question, but should not just give them the answer.

    The only thing I would suggest is that you add links into your post. For instance, "Asking Questions To Improve Learning Video" should be an accessible link, as well as "Asking Questions To Improve Learning Video."

  3. Before this assignment I too had never really thought about the types of questions a teacher asks. You are very correct when you say that all questions are not equal. I also appreciate that you include not interrupting a students response in your post. You would not want them to interrupt you when talking, so at least give them the same respect. Just see Kaylee's comment about links. I'm sure it just slipped your mind, because you are pretty consistent in linking your posts.

  4. How do you get all of your students to offer answers for all questions? Can technology be of any help?
