Saturday, June 1, 2013

Blog assignment # 2 (collaborative)

Mr. Dancealot

The video Mr. Dancealot demonstrates many faults with education. In the video students in a dance class are expected to learn to dance from lectures and notes. Lectures and notes is the way almost all education is taught today. For example when students take a math class the teacher gives the students a few notes, then works example problems, and students are excpeted to be able to work problems like the examples on the test. This video does a great job at showing why notes and examples are not enough. It seems ridiculous for a dance class to be taught by only lecture and notes, so why do we think its fine for other subjects to be taught the same way? This video shows that the problems students are having with learning might not be all the students fault, its the way education is being taught that could be to blame.

Harness your students Digital Smarts

In the vedeo Harness Your Students Digital Smarts Vicki Davis teaches students how to use the most important resource that they have avalibale to them, which is technology. By showing her students how to use technology Vicki Davis is able to break down walls, and help connect her students to students all around the world. In the video one of her main goals a a teacher is to get her students comfortable with useing technology. Getting students comfortable with technology is very important for students, becasue the world is changing, and technology is no longer a luxury to have its a requirement. It is easy to see from this video how the use of technology lets the students open their minds and create and learn in ways never thought possible before.

Kaylee Diegan

1. The Mr. Dancealot video was a great example of how not to teach. His teaching style, or lack thereof, was almost impossible for the students to learn anything. How are students supposed to learn by listening to a teacher read straight from a power point? It’s not so obvious in many other classes, such as history, english or psychology as it is in this specific dance class; but it still pertains to all subjects. For as long as I can remember, my teachers have read from a power point or a book, I re-read the information, and forgot the information right after the test. The open style learning that is being used in Dr. Strange’s class is moving us as far away from Burp-Back Education as possible. All students may not be kinesthetic learners, having to have hands on experiences in order to remember information. However, with the open style learning, all types of learners are at an advantage. Mr. Dancealot held his students back from learning in his class, all because he didn’t let them learn. He put his students at a disadvantage like many of my previous professors have done, but I am just now realizing it.

2. Roberts makes it very obvious that teaching in the 21st century is very different from what we are used to. When I think of my K-12 education, the memories consist of chalkboards, memorization, copying from a friend and cramming for tests at the last minute. My entire college career consists of those same characteristics. With the change we have witnessed in technology over the past ten years, I think it is obvious to say that in the future, teaching and learning will both be dramatically different. As Dr. Strange said today in class, electronics (the things that are enhancing our education now), were not allowed in school. We were sent to the office if we brought cell phones to school. We were forbidden to use the computers in the library unless we were being closely supervised. I completely agree with the ideas shown in the video. The amazing technology, that is becoming more advanced every year, should be used as a helpful tool for our education, not a punishment. The “Educational Exchange” says that as teachers we are expected to give students all of the information possible in order to enhance their education. Why wouldn’t we let them share ideas through blogs, tweets and facebook? Why shouldn’t they be able to post a video on “how to make a paper airplane?” By taking this new route of teaching, we are helping students, not hurting them! By the time I am an educator myself, I will have ipads and/or computers in my classroom. I will be writing on a smart board, instead of a chalkboard or dry erase board. Hopefully, my students will sharing their ideas and teaching each other things. I also hope that I can be the “filter” in the student-learning relationship, rather than just the teacher.

Maggie Adkisson

The video Mr. Dancealot is a perfect example of our current education system. It takes the sit down, shut up, and listen approach to teaching. This approach does not work. The students in the video were bored out of their minds sitting there, and likewise the class attendance declined throughout the video. It bothers me that we can expect students to want to learn when they cannot and are not even encouraged to be involved in their education.

The video The Networked Student describes a modern day student that is encouraged to use technology. Instead of the standard textbook and class lectures, this modern student has both classes and personal online learning. Through his online learning connections, who are possible other students, teachers, and college professors, he is able to read and understand a given topic more in depth than your average textbook allows. With the extended amount of knowledge he is able to gain using the internet, the teachers primary job is to reinforce the information.

I love the fact that this 21st century student was in control of his learning. Through technology and this idea of connectivism he is able to create and control what he learns. By using blogs, scholarly articles, Itunes U, and other resources he is able to read and listen to some of the most educated people that specialize on his given topic. Not only is he able to read and listen to others knowledge, but he can exchange ideas with numerous individuals to further his understanding and knowledge. This a great modern day idea that is not being used by a majority of students. It baffles me why it is not the most popular way of teaching in our schools. Every answer a student could want is right here, on the internet, but instead we are relying on sometimes outdated textbooks that may only partially cover an issue.


  1. Jamie,

    I completely agree with your post above. I find it very outrageous that we can expect students to learn just by showing a few examples and telling them how to dance, instead of letting them work through it for themselves with the proper guidance.

    Another point that I thought might be important to add would be that Vicki Davis takes into account her students strengths and interests to customize the curriculum. I thought this was a great idea on her part because no two students are alike. By updating and possibly changing minor attributes, such as the topic of the assignments, she is keeping them interested in the material that she is required to teach.

  2. Jamie,
    I would have to agree that technology is a requirement, or should be, at least. When students are restricted to a text book, pen and paper, they are not participating in our technologically advanced educational world. This is only hurting students. One of the things I find most amazing about this style of teaching, is that students from all over the world can be connected. How awesome that we can compare what students everywhere are learning, and how they're doing so.

  3. "In the video Mr. Dancealot it shows many faults with education when you only use pen and paper. In the video students in a dance class are expected to learn to dance from lectures and notes." This is a better sentence: The videoMr. Dancealot demonstrates many faults with education.

    "This video shows that the problems students are having with learning might not be all the students fault,..." Might not? Why so tentative?

    "their minds and creat and learn..." create, not creat
